Do 26 Sept, 20:00 – Trance – Gender, by Diana Blok & Thais di Marco


26 September
Aanvang 20:00
Doors: 19:30
At the door: €8,00

Op voorraad

Trance/ Gender

Invited by Diana Blok, Egbomi Kaloyá (Thais Di Marco) from Redandá Community - Cipó Guaçú - Brazil, will talk about gender and Candomblé as part of Gender Monologues constellation of events. Candomblé is an afro-indigenous-brazilian tradition of secret societies created in the beginning of slavery times aiming to worship nature and ancestors that insist teaching about peace and freedom. Candomblé is worldly known by holding open parties where Orishas, Inkissis, Voduns, encantados, etc. come into the body of initiated people. In this conversation we will talk about this beautiful practice of permanence of various ways or life on Earth and the range of gender explored by this non-secular tradition.

In the second part of the event, Kaloyá, as Roma diasporic descendent, fortune-teller and contemporary artist will make a performatic public session of fortune-telling through cards for the audience inspired by Alejandro Jodorovsky’s open tarot sessions.

Thais Di Marco is Roma diasporic descendent and was born in an Afro-Brazilian community of Candomblé - Brazil - where she holds the title of young Egbomi (poorly translated to "young Xaman").

Those communities integrate a huge range of African, Afro-latinas and Indigenous secret societies ruled by ancestors. Her first artistic education in contemporary art was within social projects as Art Against Barbarism - a vibrant political movement by various artists to think how art could play a central role for democracy in countries under conditions of extreme violence. They have triggered art projects, art schools and independent spaces where Thais has worked as a teacher, coordinator and mentor after being herself student. She has more than 12 years experience as a choreographer, performer and theatre director been awarded and sponsored by art fundings, programs, festivals, theaters and cultural centers to present her pieces. Through her projects Thais worked in Brazil, México, Benin, Iran, Germany and the Netherlands.

Diana Blok is a Uruguayan/Dutch visual artist based in Amsterdam since 1974. Her most recent project ‘Gender Monologues’ is an interactive media installation concerning our historical and cultural understanding of gender beyond stereotypes. Diana Blok challenges static, mental and cultural conventions by giving back the imagination to the limitations on gender and sexual identity.

This unique installation can be viewed in Nieuw Dakota ( NDSM) until October 6, 2019.

We recommend you visit Gender Monologues installation before coming to this presentation, between September 1st and October 6 2019.

About the installation:
Gender Monologues is an interactive media installation challenging our historical and cultural understanding of gender beyond stereotypes.

We experience  life-size video portraits of actors and actresses, performing their dream character of the opposite sex. The monologues, chosen by the actors themselves, are extracted from or inspired by lines delivered by remarkable characters in drama and literature both historical and contemporary.  They are portraits of our time containing speeches and visions that bring revealing thoughts and deep conversations about identity, revolution and desire in what feels like a personal confrontation with each actor.

Our international cast includes:
Abke Haring as Hamlet (NL)
Claron McFadden as Orpheus (USA)
Cas Enklaar as Madame Lubov (NL)
Grace Passo as Martin Luther King Jr.(BRA)
Helen Kamperveen as James Baldwin (SUR)
Levi de Kleer as Pina Bausch (NL)
Karina Holla as Max (NL)
Mateus Solano as Cinderella (BRA)
Matheus Nachtergaele as His Mother (BRA)
Purcy Tijn as Marilyn Monroe (SUR)
Ogutu Muraya as Wangari Maathai (KEN)
Vanja Rukavina as Cleopatra (BOS/NL)

Gender Monologues installation, between September 1st and October 6 2019.
Nieuw Dakota
Ms. van Riemsdijkweg 41b
1033 RC Amsterdam
Open from Thursday to Sunday 11am to 6pm
