Teatro Munganga is a small-scale theatre with a wide range for all ages. It is an inspiring location where people meet and often creates a magical contact between audience and artist. This fun new cultural meeting point in Amsterdam is not subsidized, but with your support we can make the difference…


• To stimulate and develop creative manifestations that let us reflect on the world in which we live in.
• To create a platform for dialog and the exchange of ideas
• To facilitate an international network of art and artistic productions
• To develop and showcase the theatre’s own productions and offer a stage for theatre, music, lectures, films, dance, workshops and courses by other artists.
• To organize activities that are intended for all ages


Would you like to support and contribute to Teatro Munganga?
Become a friend and support this cozy theatre in southern part of Amsterdam. Because one thing is certain: for Munganga, your gesture means continuity!


There are three different sorts of subscriptions to become a friend of Theatre Munganga:

  • Friend from € 50.00 per year

  • Family friend from € 125.00 per year

  • Fiscal Friend for at least 5 years and at least € 50 per year.


Follow this link to calculate your tax benefit immediately:


For more information about the Friends Club, contact
Register as a Friend via the form below:


The Munganga foundation information:

Munganga has a Cultural ANBI status. This means that if you support us financially, the tax authorities will compensate you for this. Your gift is always a deductible item, therefor a tax benefit. The amount of your one-off (ordinary) donation or regular donations can in many cases even be added to your annual tax return as a 125% deductible item. A periodical donation will have to be recorded in a written agreement, where the tax authorities themselves provide ready-made forms. Since 2014 this can be completely free of charge, without the intervention of a civil-law notary. (Please see ordinary gift, periodic donations and forms for periodical agreements.) More information can be found on and on the website of the Tax Authorities.


Data for your gifts:

Stichting Munganga
IBAN: NL73 TRIO 0391150448
OVV: GIFT TO RSIN 008685939
Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs
1075 VP Amsterdam


Composition Board:

Chairman/Treasurer: Mr. Carlos Lagoeiro
Secretary: Mr. Pedro Ascher

Goal of the foundation

Teatro Munganga has set itself the goal of: creating art forms in all artistic media, promoting intercultural contacts; the realization of theater performances, exhibitions and festivals.


Information about our remuneration policy

Remuneration policy in general:
The remuneration policy of the foundation is aimed at rewarding according to criteria that are customary in the cultural sector and that are socially acceptable and justified, in line with its status as a public benefit institution.


Remuneration policy board:
Management positions at Munganga Foundation are unpaid. Board members receive no compensation or attendance fees.

Remuneration policy for staff:
The remuneration policy for staff follows the CAO Theater.

Become a volunteer…

Munganga needs helping hands that can work for different functions in the organization. In addition to the artistic and educational programming in Casa Munganga and Busganga, we also have activities in the office where talents are welcome. Are you available at fixed times or do you want to gain some experience in an artistic and dynamic environment during a specific period? For example you can guide visitors, work behind the bar, help with the build-up of decor, sound, light and technology, or get involved in the communication and publicity of Munganga. Contact us to discuss what you want to do! Call 0031 20-6759837 or mail to (Carlos Lagoeiro or Claudia Maoli).

RSIN 86.85.939
Schinkelhavenstraat 27 HS
1075 VP Amsterdam


Jaarrekening 2023 STG MUNGANGA
Jaarrekening 2022 STG MUNGANGA

