Zo 12 Mei, 17:00 Roda de Samba da Viviani and Guests


12 Mei 2019
Aanvang 17:00
Doors: 16:30
Online: €12,50
At the door: €15,00


Originated on meetings of musicians in the backyards of their residences, the Roda de Samba is a cultural tradition. Usually gather a large number of people who sing and dance around a table, where the musicians play instruments and sing sambas.
In the beginning  it was a meeting to celebrate the African roots in the House of Tia Ciata, where they cooked culinary traditions and dance.
The Roda created, promoted the exchange of experience, knowledge, synergy and expanded into other yards like the samba schools during the forties and fifty’s.
In mid-1960 and 1970, the musicians returned to the tradition of the backyards.
The Roda de Samba is very popular at this moment in the backyards of the Brazilian scene in Europe and Holland as well.
Viviani  Godoy, at her Roda de Samba, sings original samba’s songs and sambas from great contemporary composers like Moacyr Luz, Zeca Pagodinho and Toninho Gerais.

Line up :

Viviani Godoy, lead Vocals
Kees Gelderblom, acoustic guitar
Alaor Soares, percussie
Jeroen Hensel, percussie
and more!
