Zo 06 Dec 11:00 – Laluna


11.00 (doors open at 10.45)
€7,50 pp (babies <1 jaar gratis)
Maximum capacity: 30 people!
Maximale capaciteit: 30 personen!


Laluna is een dansvoorstelling over de magie, het mysterie en het wonder van de dame die op de maan leeft.

Danseres Thalia Laric presenteert Laluna.
Thalia Laric: I am an independent dance artist from Cape Town, South Africa. I studied dance and choreography at the University of Cape Town and completed my Masters in Choreography at Rhodes University in 2013 focusing on teaching and performing dance improvisation. I have worked professionally with South African companies such as First Physical Theatre Company, FTH:K Theatre Company, Underground Dance Theatre and acclaimed choreographer Nicola Elliott. I run two projects in Cape Town - New Dance Lab with collaborator Kristina Johnstone, and Music Dance021 Composition Residency with Manuela Lucia Tessi . I have taught dance at the University of Cape Town, Rhodes University, AFDA Cape Town, and regularly teach Contact Improvisation classes in Cape Town and Amsterdam.

