Thur 17 Nov, 20:00 –  “VERTIGO – Hitchcock Fears”, Theater, dance and cinema on stage, by Luan Machado


17 November 2022
Starts: 20:00
Doors: 19:30


Theater, dance and cinema on stage!

Theatrical Monologue of several phobias in vertigo; a psycho killer invites the audience for an intimate show, which can be very dangerous when he starts to show his own fears. Iconic references as PSYCHO,VERTIGO, DIAL M TO KILL, THE BIRDS, REAR WINDOW, FRENEZY, Hitchcock/Truffaut and other classic titles from the director ALFRED HITCHCOCK.

The dramaturgy and the soundtrack worked with originals text and sounds of the movies mixed with created content by the production.

Theater, dance and cinema on stage; this project was performed for the first time in 2014 and traveled few countries since then. In 2022, comes back restructured in Amsterdam at Munganga.
