Sat 06 Nov, 19:30 – Long movie: A Última Floresta (The Last Forest) – Short movie: Território Pequi
€ 10,00
06 November 2021
Starts: 19:30
Doors: 19:00
All films are subtitled in English.
The first Peoples of the Rainforest Film Festival take place on 4, 5 and 6 November. On the program, films made by indigenous and non-indigenous filmmakers and also films about non-traditional peoples who live and survive in the Brazilian Amazon forest.
Today: Short movie "Território Pequi" + debat and Q+A wit public led by Fabio de Castro. Directed by Takumã Kuikuro, of the Kuikuro ethnic group of the Upper Xingu, Brazil.
Long movie : A Última Floresta (The Last Forest)i
SYNOPSIS A Ultima Floresta (The last Forest):
In an isolated Yanomani group in the Amazon, shaman Davi Kopenawa Yanomani tries to keep the forest spirits and traditions alive, while the arrival of miners brings death and disease to the community. The young people are enchanted by the goods brought by the whites; and Ehuana, who sees her husband disappear, tries to understand what happened in her dreams.
Directed by Luiz Bolognesi
Screenplay by Luiz Bolognesi and Davi Kpenawa
Curta metragem: Território Pequi + debate e Q&A com o público intermediado por Dr. Fábio de Castro. TerritórioPequi, direção Takumã Kuikuro, da etnia Kuikuro do Alto Xingu.
Longa metragem: A Última Floresta
SINOPSE A Última Floresta:
Em um grupo Yanomani isolado na Amazônia, o xamã Davi Kopenawa Yanomani tenta manter vivos os espíritos da floresta e as tradições, enquanto a chegada de garimpeiros traz morte e doenças para a comunidade. Os jovens ficam encantados com os bens trazidos pelos brancos; e Ehuana, que vê seu marido desaparecer, tenta entender o que aconteceu em seus sonhos.
Dirigido por Luiz Bolognesi
Roteiro de Luiz Bolognesi e Davi Kpenawa
Organised by: Teatro Munganga & Saci Filmes
Debate and conversation with the public. Led by Fabio de Castro.
Fábio de Castro is Assistant Professor of Brazilian Studies. He is an environmental anthropologist with MSc in Ecology in 1992 (State University of Campinas, Brazil) and PhD in Environmental Science/Anthropology in 2000 (Indiana University, USA). Fabio has research experience with academic, non-governmental and governmental organizations in Brazil and in the United States. He is a collaborating researcher at the Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change (Indiana University, USA), and at the Center for Maritime Research (MARE), University of Amsterdam). Fábio is interested in the socio-ecological processes shaping patterns of resource use and management. His research focuses on local governance of natural resource and the dilemma between conservation and development goals at local and broader scales. His interdisciplinary background is reflected in his theoretical and methodological approach, combining ethnographic, historical, socioeconomic, institutional and ecological data to understand how patterns of resource use are shaped and transformed. Fabio is particularly interested in the connections between processes across socio-ecological scales, and how partnerships between users, government and private sectors influence resource conservation.