Ma 28 Okt, 20:00 – The Eva Stories: Tales for Contemporary Women #2 The Underworld


28 Oktober
Aanvang 20:00
Doors: 19:30
At the door: €12,50

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SKU: 16097762 Category: Tags: ,

When you look yourself on the mirror, what do you see? As Halloween season approaches, we can put on costumes and masks, for one night we can be anything. BUT: Looking deep down what do you really feel? And how do you express these feelings?

The theme of second Storytelling Night on the 28th of October is “The Underworld”.

In this night, storytellers, musicians and performers will bring tales beyond the masks we use to wear on our daily lives.  Let's make our private Halloween of The Eva Stories, in Amsterdam.

About The Eva Stories:

From the perception that many women in the past didn't tell their own story and it has had an impact on how the world turns, The Eva Stories (TES) was born. It is a platform that stimulate women to tell their own stories through media, music, series, trainings and retreats. Let's tell the change we want to be in the world!

#jointhemovement #tellyourstories @The Eva Stories
