Directed by Hideaki Oba, the anime Why We Live is based in real life facts. The inspiration for the movie came from the book with the same name, best-seller that has sold more than 1 million copies in Japan, published in Brasil by Editora Satry and soon to be published in Portugal and Spain. The script is from Kentetsu Takamori, one of the book authors and Buddhism teacher in Japan.
The movie is about the story of Ryoken, a farmer in the XV’s century feudal Japan, that has the anger of tragic events, since childhood until the moment he looses his wife in a tragic accident. Ryoken goes through a changing period which many of us can relate in our own moment of pain and loss. In this changing he achieves the correct thought about his life and purpose.
This story, lived in the XV century, a period of civil wars, each clan fighting to achieve power, also tells the story of Master Rennyo, a monk chased by the monk warriors of Mount Hiei (in Kyoto), until his exile in Yoshizaki, Fukui province, where he built a complex of temples, lost in 1474 on a fire by criminal hands.
By raising essential questions as the title, the animation makes us reflect about life and death, happiness and suffering, choices, detachments and other fundamental ideas of the Buddhis Philosophy.
“No matter how big suffering is”, says Master Rennyo, “there’s a purpose in life. Without knowing the essence of life, we can’t take anything from this world”.
WHY WE LIVE stayed 29 weeks in Japan’s movie theaters. In Brazil the movie was 7 weeks in the country’s big capital cities.
Why We Live | Naze Ikiru – Rennyo Shonin to Yoshizaki Enjo
Japan, 2016, 86 min, 12 Years recommended
Diretor: Hideaki Oba
Script: Kentetsu Takamori
Soundtrack: Toru Hasebe
Producer: Ichimannendo Publishing Co. Ltd.
Voices: Kotaro Satomi (Master Rennyo), Katsuyuki Konishi (Ryoken), Ayumi Fujimura (Chiyo),
Hideyuki Tanaka (Hokyobo), Takaaki Seki (Doshu)
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