
za 08 juli 20:30 "Brazilian Instrumental Music" by Trio Rafael Lima, Nelson Latif & Rogério Bicudo

Original price was: € 17,50.Current price is: € 15,00.

08 Juli
Aanvang 20.30
Deur open 20.00
Entree: Early-birds: € 15,00
After 28 June: € 17,50

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Trio Rafael Lima, Rogério Bicudo & Nelson Latif
Clube do Choro de Amsterdam will bring together, for the very first time, tree musicians who have dedicated their careers to active the most out of their instruments. Rafael Lima on alto sax, Rogério Bicudo on acoustic guitar and Nelson Latif on cavaquinho. Coming from different cities in Brazil, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the musicians share a common carrier background, all of then emerge from a formal classical music training and where strongly influenced by Choro music.

Rafael is a Samba Jazz Saxophonist from Brazil, and has just finished Masters in Jazz Performance (Netherlands/NYC) at the University of Hanze. For two years was professor of saxophone and improvisation at UFPEL and has performed with many important artists including Hermeto Pacoal. Rafae is from Porto Alegre/RS, the southern most capital in Brazil. He started playing the harmonica in the Baptist church at the age of 10 years old and the saxophone at the age of 14 years old. At the age of 16 years old lived one year in USA, there he started to play alto sax in the Meridian Community Jazz Big Band, in the Far Away Places Jazz Combo and in MCC’s Improv Class Band. By the age of 24 years old got his Saxophone Bachelor degree from Institute of Arts of UFRGS. Today Rafael is living and working in The Netherlands.

Cavaquinho and acoustic guitar player Nelson Latif formed his musical identity in the legendary jazz scene of 1980’s São Paulo. With roots in choro and jazz, Latif merges Brazilian styles and a classical guitar technique with diverse musical influences. In his melodic phrasing one hears bebop and Brazilian syncopations.
Latif started his studies at age fourteen. During the 90’s he moved to Amsterdam and started performing on the cavaquinho, an instrument that has since become his trademark.
Nelson Latif returned to Brazil in 2001, where he formed Trio Baru. Since then, Latif has performed as a soloist as well as in collaboration with various artists. As cultural promoter, Nelson Latif has been coordinating educational projects for universities and cultural institutions around the world.

Guitarist, singer and composer, started his musical carrier very young. At the age of six he started to play the guitar, becoming professional at the age of twelve playing mainly Brazilian popular music. After finishing his studies at Escola de Música Villa –Lobos in Rio de Janeiro he started to study classical guitar with Odair Assad. In 1982 moved to Spain and continued his classical studies there at the Real Conservatório de Madrid. Since 1988 he has been living in the Netherlands.
Despite his classical background Bicudo is a dedicated interpreter and composer of Samba, Choro and other rhythms of the rich Brazilian Popular Music. Choro is a virtuoso music genre from Rio de Janeiro which includes many improvisation elements. In Rogério Bicudo music one can hears the influences of both worlds; with his great musicality he plays with the technique of a chamber musician and the swing of a popular artist.
