
Casa Host za 24 sep 15:00 The F Word: "Decolonize Beauty and our Bodies" by University of Colour


24 September 2016
Aanvang 15:00 uur
Deur open 14:30

Op voorraad

On 23, 24 and 25 September, the F Word Fest will take place in the Binnenpret. Saturday, the university of Colour presents @ Munganga the workshop 'Decolonize Beauty and our Bodies'.

About the F Word

“I’ll be post-feminist in post-patriarchy” – Meg SullivanDo you feel pressured to be ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’? Do you or your friends get harassed on the street for wearing a skirt? Are you sick of being judged by what’s between your legs rather than what’s in your head? Not sure how to respond to the sexist comments you hear around you? If you feel like we still have a long way to go before all genders are equal – STRIKE BACK WITH THE F-WORD!

Feminism is back! And we are celebrating it this September in Amsterdam with the Fantastic Feminist Festival: The F-WORD fest.

About Decolonize Beauty and our Bodies

The Decolonize Beauty collective of University of Colour returns for a second gathering at the F-Word Festival.We are hosting an afternoon on historic, (neo)colonial, capitalist constructions of beauty and how these are sustained/reinforced; a sharing of lived experiences and exchanging tips and tricks to circumnavigate the capitalist (neo)colonial cosmetic industry and reclaim our bodies from its oppressive ideal.

We will collectively engage in a discussion about our bodies that decenters the white Western standard and binary constructions of beauty both within and beyond Europe. We reject the idea that the conversation about beauty is a superficial or apolitical one – it is intrinsically compromised by the colonization, racialization and gendering of bodies.

University of Colour aims to decolonize the university. Our collective aspires to create a more balanced university at both curricular and demographic level that includes non-Eurocentric perspectives and ideas.

For more information about the F Word programme, click here!
