Casa Film don 27 aug 2015 "L'Ingorgo" – Directed by Luigi Comencini


27 augustus 2015
Aanvang: 21:00 uur
Deur open: 20:00 uur
120 minutes
In Italian with English subtitles



This is another artifact from Europe during the 70s, and another obscure rarity that has been utterly forgotten about. Cinema is so narrow and mind-numbing these days, but if you want diversity then all you have to do is turn the page back and take a look at the banished films of the past. That is where the real richness is, not in the zeitgeist of our present gadget-ridden moment. This is an example of a film that has been totally deleted, except in the dim memories of those that saw it when it was released in the 70s.

ingorgo-autostradaHere we have a film where a traffic jam outside Rome becomes a metaphor for our modern world. Endless cars are gridlocked to a standstill on the highway during a sweltering August weekend, and as everyone gets out of their cars in desperation we are exposed to a cross section of Italian society. Lingering somewhere between Godard's Weekend and Fellini's Roma, this film has some of its own unique tricks up it's cinematic sleeve. Starting off like a comedy, it soon transforms into a black comedy, and finally takes a sharp turn and explodes into a devastating tragedy. The cast is mind-blowing with Gerard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere, Annie Girardot, Marcello Mastroianni, Miou-Miou, Angela Molina, Fernando Rey, Stefania Sandrelli, Alberto Sordi and Ugo Tognazzi.

"L'Ingorgo is also an apocalyptic film without an apocalypse. The real disaster is everyday life, the way these people relate to one another."
