
Zo 21 Apr 17:00 – Marcello Linhos & Armorial – Featuring Nelson Latif & Marcelo Lima


21 April
Aanvang 17:00
Zaal open 16:30
Kaartverkoop aan de deur: € 15,00

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"Brazilian Armorial Art is the one that has as its main common feature the connection with the magical spirit of the Literature of Cordel and the Music of Viola Caipira that accompanies its ‘songs’.
Ariano Suassuna

The purity of the times of the courtyards can be translated by the simple and sweet poetry of some songs, little sertanejas fashions and valsas caipiras, that enchanted love and heartbreak from the time of Colonial Brazil.
A time when simplicity and sincerity reigned, noble values were transmitted from generation to generation through stories in endless conversations on the balconies or through songs that extolled love and sertão.
In this playful environment, Marcello Linhos launches a new look at some of these songs and presents a delicate repertoire that includes, for example, the beautiful "Viola Quebrada" (Mário de Andrade) and the secular "Tristezas do Jeca" (Avelino de Oliveira) ) and "Rosa" (Conde Affonso Celso Junior) as well as songs by the author himself. The rescue of that musicality for the current days has as its main objective to reconnect our hearts to the feeling of the caipira, the feeling of the country people, which is inside each one of us, an essential feeling, as simple and at the same time as elaborate as love it is.

Marcello Linhos (viola caipira and voice) will be accompanied by Nelson Latif (guitar 7 strings) and Marcelo Lima (Bandolim) as well as special guests.

The viola caipira is a Brazilian guitar with 10 strings. Viola caipira, also known as viola sertaneja or viola cabocla, is a musical instrument plucking strings and one of the regional variants of the Brazilian viola. It is popular mainly in the interior of Brazil, being one of the symbols of the Brazilian popular music and mainly of the sertaneja root music, from the semi-arid region of Brazil.
