Casa Film Zo 01 juli 18:00 “Little Secret (Pequeno Segredo)” – Special screening of the film by Heloísa Schurmann


01 juli 2018
Aanvang: 18:00 uur (Deur open 17:30 uur)
Entree gratis
Duration of the film: 1:47 hour
Portuguese, English subtitles

SKU: 16093171-1 Category: Tags: , , ,

After the screening of Little Secret, Q&A with Heloísa Schurmann author of the book Little Secret (Pequeno Segredo).

Little Secret (Portuguese: Pequeno Segredo) is a Brazilian drama film directed by David Schurmann. The film was inspired by a true story involving Schurmann's adopted sister.
It was released in Brazil in November 2016. It was selected as the Brazilian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards but it was not nominated.

Based on true events Little Secret is a film with three interlocked stories all connected by a single secret that converge to reveal the tragic yet beautiful lives of three families and how hope, dreams and destiny can unite people from very different parts of the world. Adopted at childhood by a loving family after facing the loss of her parents, Kat led a life full of adventures. Now in her teenage years she is trying to fit into a "normal" life, as the world shows her how cruel living can be. After discovering a secret which threatens her life, she wonders if her dreams are still possible. Heloisa is a dedicated mother who has been entrusted with the secret and will do everything to keep her family together; however, she knows that the future is unpredictable. Jeanne, a beautiful young Amazonian native, falls in love with Robert, a New Zealander, with whom he discovers that her possibilities are infinite, however she forgets that destiny has plans of its own. Barbara, an older English woman, who became cold and lonely, is capable of doing anything to get what she wants. When the past knocks on her door, she sets out on a journey to rediscover love. Stories that cross borders and show that in this world people are pulled apart by destiny, racism and tragedy, but can be pulled together by friendship, tolerance and love. An inspiring film that will challenge the way you look at life.

Famous for their crossings around the world aboard a sailboat, the Schurmann kept the backstage for Kat's gripping adoption for a long time. With script of Marcos Bernstein (Central of Brazil, Chico Xavier, Faroeste Caboclo, Terra Estrangeira); Art Direction by German Brigitte Broch (Romeu + Julieta, 21 Grams, Babel Oscar by Moulin Rouge); Cinematography by award-winning Peruvian Inti Briones (Las Niñas Quispe, Planeta Solitário, Bonsai), Little Secret is a co-production of Schurmann Filmes, led by Vilfredo Schurmann and David Schurmann himself, with Ocean Films, which has partner João Roni. In the main cast, Little Secret brings the Brazilian actors Júlia Lemmertz (Amor ?, My Name is not Johnny), like Heloisa Schurmann; Marcello Antony (The Xango of Baker Street, The Sharing), as Vilfredo Schurmann; and Maria Flor (Xingu, 360), as Jeanne; the Irish Fionnula Flanagan (The Others, Yes Lord, Divine Secrets), as Barbara; and New Zealander Errol Shand (Slow West, Law & Order, Lost) as Robert; besides the debut of Mariana Goulart as Kat Schurmann. Little Secret in his international career, was exhibited in Russia, Miami, Chicago (USA), and Madrid (Spain).

BOOK Little Secret  (Pequeno Segredo)
About the author:  Heloisa Schurmann is a established bestselling Brazilian author with four published books of which threes are bestsellers, including her most recent “Pequeno Segredo” (Little Secret) which has been released in Italy and Brazil. An explorer, sailor, teacher and mother, she has travelled to over 60 countries and raised her four children then ages 5 to 18, on three expeditions sailing around the world. Heloisa graduated from New York University with a specialization TESOL. She has collaborated for magazines around the world and created the educational program "Education in Adventure" which was followed by more than 2 million students in Brazil and the United States. In addition, Heloisa is a motivational speaker, lecturing for major corporations and public events, in 2017 she lectured for audience of 60 thousand people at TEDx talks São Paulo.

Famous for their crossings around the world aboard a sailboat, the Schurmann family will be in the Netherlands before the arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race in The Hague.
Heloisa Schurmann will be present at the screening of the film and presenting her book.

Spoken in Portuguese with subtitles in the English. Free entrance. Free parking on Sundays near the Munganga Theater.

“Pequeno Segredo” em exibição especial na Holanda com a presença de Heloisa Schurmann.
Eleito para representar o Brasil no Oscar 2017, Pequeno Segredo (Little Secret, Brasil/Nova Zelândia, 2016), de David Schurmann, terá uma exibição especial em Amsterdã, na Holanda, no dia 1º de julho. Baseada em uma história real, que também inspirou o best-seller homônimo de Heloísa Schurmann, a produção apresenta três histórias interligadas por um único segredo. Famosos por suas travessias ao redor do mundo a bordo de um veleiro, os Schurmann guardaram por um longo período os bastidores da emocionante adoção de Kat. Com roteiro de Marcos Bernstein (Central do Brasil, Chico Xavier, Faroeste Caboclo, Terra Estrangeira); Direção de Arte da alemã Brigitte Broch (Romeu + Julieta, 21 Gramas, Babel Oscar por Moulin Rouge); Direção de Fotografia do premiado peruano Inti Briones (Las Ninãs Quispe, Planeta Solitário, Bonsái), Pequeno Segredo é uma coprodução da Schurmann Filmes, liderada por Vilfredo Schurmann e o próprio David Schurmann, com a Ocean Films, que tem à frente o sócio João Roni. No elenco principal, Pequeno Segredo traz os atores brasileiros Júlia Lemmertz (Amor?, Meu Nome não é Johnny), como Heloisa Schurmann; Marcello Antony (O Xangô de Baker Street, A Partilha), como Vilfredo Schurmann; e Maria Flor (Xingu, 360), como Jeanne; a irlandesa Fionnula Flanagan (Os Outros, Sim Senhor, Divinos Segredos), como Barbara; e o neozelandês Errol Shand (Meu Monstro de Estimação, Slow West, Law & Order, Lost), como Robert; além da estreia de Mariana Goulart no papel de Kat Schurmann. Pequeno Segredo em sua carreira internacional, foi exibido na Russia, Miami, Chicago (USA),e Madrid (Espanha).

Famosos por suas travessias ao redor do mundo a bordo de um veleiro, a familia Schurmann estará na Holanda para a chegada da Volvo Ocean Race em Den Haag. 
Vale ressaltar que Heloisa Schurmann estará presente à exibição de Pequeno Segredo em Amsterdam, autografando seu livro.
Falado em Português com legenda em inglês, o filme terá entrada franca e aos domingos na área do Teatro Munganga o estacionamento é gratuito.

Ficha Técnica
Elenco: Julia Lemmertz, Maria Flor, Fionnula Flanagan, Erroll Shand, Marcello Antony, Mariana Goulart
Direção: David Schurmann
Roteiro: Marcos Bernstein, Vitor Atherino e David Schurmann
Direção de Fotografia: Inti Briones
Direção de Arte: Brigitte Broch
Produzido por: João Roni Garcia, David Schurmann e Vilfredo Schurmann
Produção Executiva: Samantha Capdeville
Montagem: Gustavo Giani
Música: Antonio Pinto
Efeitos Visuais: Marcelo Siqueira
Figurino: Severo Luzardo
Maquiagem: Uirandê Holanda
Produção: Schurmann Filmes, Ocean Filmes e Diamond Films,
Coprodução: Mistika
Distribuição: Diamond Films
