
Za 27 Jun, 20:00 – Livestream @ Munganga – Susana Raya & Felix Hildenbrand

27 Juni
Aanvang 20:00
Livestream @ Munganga:
Donatie is welkom!

These two are very versatile musicians, connected through a long term friendship. They have collaborated in many different occasions and reconnected again in the middle of this Covid-pandemic with a camera team as the only audience.
Susana Raya's voice, compositions and guitar playing are full of warmth. American jazz critic Ted Gioia labeled her as 'the Andalusian Eva Cassidy'.
Felix Hildenbrand, combines his jazz skills with the simplicity of Fado, giving every single bass note a deeper meaning.

They are  presenting an eclectic program that goes from original pieces to personal re-editions of songs that keep inspiring them with a jazzy folky touch.

Livestream @ Munganga: we don't open (yet)! Our venue is too small and therefore we can't handle the 1.5 meter distance. It's good for you and for our health that we wait (for a while) a little bit more until we can.
But, we are going to stream live.
In June and July we offer you 8 concerts under the label Livestream @ Munganga. There will be no tickets sold, so everyone can watch and enjoy. We will ask for a donation for those who can, so we can pay the costs of the stream (think of the digital flyer, the travel costs of artists who don't live in Amsterdam, etc.) and share some money with the artists.

Don't miss it: it will be enjoying good music and (a little bit) the atmosphere of Teatro Munganga!

Livestream @ Munganga
: we gaan (nog) niet open! Onze zaal is te klein en daardoor kunnen we de 1,5 meter afstand niet hanteren. Het is voor je en voor onze gezondheid goed dat we nog (even) wachten totdat het kan.
Maar, we gaan wel livestreamen.
In Juni en juli bieden we jullie 8 concerten onder de label Livestream @ Munganga. Er wordt geen kaarten verkocht, iedereen mag dus meekijken en genieten. We gaan wel, voor wie dat kan, een donatie vragen, zodat we de kosten van de stream kunnen betalen (denk aan de digital flyer, de reiskosten van artiesten die niet in Amsterdam wonen, enz.) en een beetje geld met de artiesten delen.

For donation, transfer money to bankaccount number
Stichting Munganga
Please, mention the day of the concert you’re donating.

Mis het niet: het wordt genieten van goed muziek en (een beetje) ook van de sfeer van Teatro Munganga!
