Za 15 Dec 20:30 The Connection Project


15 December
Aanvang 20.30
Deur open 20.00
Price at the door: € 12,50
Studentprice: € 8,00


Lucas Figueiredo & Jetse de Jong presents:

The Connection Project

Amsterdam is a city where cultures meet, and that’s exactly what happened when Jetse de Jong (NL) and Lucas Figueiredo Santana (Brazil) ran into each other at the Conservatory of Amsterdam in 2015.
They quickly recognized in each other their admiration for the same kind of music. Not long after that they started to perform together in numerous combinations, from duo to nonet.

They decided to give themselves a challenge. Combining a jazz group and a string quartet, Jetse and Lucas will perform together with their friends a unique program in Teatro Munganga.
Expect musical ingredients from Brazil, New Orleans, New York and inevitable Amsterdam, for it will be an evening full of surprises and beautiful moments.

Lucas Figueiredo - Tenor Saxophone
Jetse de Jong - Piano
Tijs Klaassen - Double bass
Wouter Kühne - Drums
Ruña ‘t Hart - Violin
André Felipe Lima - Violin
Bárbara de Souza - Viola
Chieko Donker Duyvis - Cello
Manon Nijenhuis - Vocal
Arrangements made by
Lucas Figueiredo
Jetse de Jong

Guest Arrangers
Eiríkur Rafn Stefánsson
Ally Pickering
