Mon 10 Feb 2025, 20:00 – Little Tango Orchestra – Concert & Milonga + DJ El Zorro Gris


10 February 2025
Milonga starts at 20:00
Concert starts at 21:00
Doors open: 19:45

Op voorraad

Little Tango Orchestra speelt Argentijnse tango: van traditionele nummers uit de gouden jaren ’40 met poëtische teksten van Homero Manzi tot modernere stukken van componisten als Astor Piazzolla en Julián Peralta.

Peter Biesboer op bandoneón, Willem Gotink op gitaar en Maarten Klomp op contrabas begeleiden Evelyne Montens (zang).

Evelyne Montens begon met tangodansen en verdiepte zich gaandeweg in de liedteksten en de zang.

Haar fascinatie leidde haar naar milongas en tangoconcerten in Buenos Aires, naar peñas en folklorefestivals in het noorden van Argentinië, waar ze steeds opnieuw samenwerkt met verschillende muzikanten om haar eigen stem te blijven ontwikkelen.

Ze treedt afwisselend op in Nederland en in Argentinië.


DJ El Zorro Gris
Philip Bodenstaff was born in Australia and he grew up with music, amongst which, tango music that his father took home from his journeys as a ship's officer.

In his teens Philip was a drummer playing, as many teenagers did, in some local and unknown pop-groups. Philip re-found tango in October 2010 and started dancing at The Academia de Tango.

In the spring of 2011 he went to Argentina (Buenos Aires) and stayed there for a few weeks discovering Argentina and the tango as it is danced in Buenos Aires.

Later that year he became one of the regular DJ’s at The Academia de Tango and took on the name El Zorro Gris. What else could he do with his colour of hair.  Philip Performed at AdT right up until 2017. Then he had to stop dancing due to a knee operation and then corona happened.

Right after corona Philip picked up dancing and DJ’ing again and recently Philip performed at LA Yumba.

El Zorro Gris is open for performing at your venue.
He plays traditional tango and his heart is with the old masters as Di Sarli, D’Arienzo, Troilo, De Angelis, Vargas, Varela, Calo and of course Pugliese.
On the other hand El Zorro Gris might surprise you with some modern / neo tango or non tango.

See more photos and information on Rob Nuijten's website:
