Casa Concert Woen 10 Mei 20:30 Double concert with Canvas Trio & Noneto Desconcertante Ensemble

10 Mei
Aanvang 20.30
Deur open 20.00
Tickets: € 10,00
Students: € 5,00

Their music emphasizes the opposites. Dark and colorful. Intimate and extrovert. Fragile and energetic. They aim on telling a story to the audience, embracing them into the music during their performances. They describe their music as an empty canvas ready to be filled with colors and shapes.

Canvas plays original compositions wrote by all members and they are currently releasing their debut album « Common Grounds » recorded in October 2016.

Pedro Ivo Ferreira - Double Bass
Orestis Petrakis - Piano
Nick Thessalonikefs - Drums

This project was created in October 2016, led by double bassist Pedro Ivo Ferreira, with the goal of writing music inspired by avant-garde Brazilian composers and contemporary classical music.

Their repertoire is full of surprises as well as tasteful arrangements in tribute to Brazilian composer « Guinga », one of their greatest influences.

Pedro Ivo Ferreira - Double Bass/Arrangements
Orestis Petrakis - Piano
Gianfranco Mascayano - Guitar
Nick Thessalonikefs - Drums
Maria Cristina Gonzalez - Flute
Maripepa Gamez - Oboe
Rita Mendes - Clarinet
Pia Podgornik - Clarinet
Adri - Bass Clarinet
