Casa Concert za 26 maart 21:00 "El nuevo Buenos Aires", by Beltway Bandits


26 maart 2016
Aanvang 21.00 uur
Deur open 20:00

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El nuevo Buenos Aires
Beltway Bandits is een collectief van negen muzikanten en componisten, woonachtig in Amsterdam. Zij presenteren de composities van hun nieuwe project ‘El Nuevo Buenos Aires’.
De kleurrijke werken van bandleiders Kevin Halporn (Argentinië) en Damiano Pascarelli (Italië) voeren je mee op een muzikale reis langs de verschillende kanten van de Argentijnse hoofdstad.

In de aangename, maar ook gedurfde muziekstukken komen verschillende invloeden samen: van Gil Evans ‘Birth of the cool’ tot Piazzolla en de Argentijnse rock-pop boom van de jaren ’70 en ’80.

’Artaud, Invisible, Kamikaze, Clics Modernos. These records gravitated around me during my childhood. A special energy. The rousing strive for expression in a time of violence and oppression in Argentina. It all exploded having tango guitar lessons and listening to both la Guardia Vieja and Piazzolla. From New York to Amsterdam. I had to go far to feel closer to the light. Everything brought me (back) to my new and still imaginary Buenos Aires. I see it from far away.’ (Kevin Halporn, Singer/Songwriter Beltway Bandits)

The Beltway Bandits was founded by Kevin Halporn – singer/songwriter from Argentina – and Damiano Pascarelli – composer and conductor from Italy. They both studied in the Conservatory of Amsterdam. They arranged for – among others – Metropole Orkest and Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw. They now present their new project – entitled El Nuevo Buenos Aires – which connects the simplicity of the pop format with the colours of South American music and the spontaneity of jazz.

Line Up:
Kevin Halporn, Bandleider, componist, zang
Damiano Pascarelli, Bandleider, componist, dirigent
Laura Giavon, Zang
Bernard van Rossum, Saxofoon (sopraan & tenor)
Clemens Moritz, Flügelhorn, trompet
Pablo Martinez, Trombone
Jessie Breve, Basklarinet
Matthijs Stauttener, Piano
Pedro Ivo Ferreira, Bas
Jan Kadereit, Drums, percussie

