Casa Improvisation za 12 dec 2015 Workshop Improvisation: O.l.v. Isaac Simon & Nora McLeese


Zaterdag, 12 december
Workshop prijs: € 8,00
(€6 with more than ten players)
12-14 uur


SKU: 2032 Category:

ImproGranga is a brand new English-language stage in Amsterdam!

We focus on high-energy, wacky abstract fun, pairing workshops and limited show runs to engage the audience and community.

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ImproGranga presents a weekly workshop open to all levels and ages. Whether you are a veteran or a newbie, our workshops are inclusive and focus on supporting the players both on and off stage. Each week will have a different essence and goal to work toward, with an overall philosophy of getting players ready, excited and involved in the show process. Workshops are €8; drops to €6 with more than ten players. So, bring your friends and come play with us!

show (3)
