Zo 28 Juni 11:00 – Livestream @ Munganga – Funny Arias – Kinderconcert

This event has been postponed to June 28th!
11.00 uur
Livestream @ Munganga:
Donatie is welkom!

For donation, transfer money to bankaccount number
Stichting Munganga
Please, mention the name of the concert you’re donating.

English below.

Leuke en grappige aria's voor kinderen.
Mozart, Puccini en Beethoven.
Met een operazangeres en een pianist.

Bjork Nielsdottir (IJsland, 1986) is een veelzijdige zangeres gevestigd in Amsterdam. In 2015 studeerde ze af aan het Conservatorium van Amsterdam met Excellence and Distinction for Artistry.
Een veelzijdige kunstenaar, ze is actief op het gebied van muziektheater (met o.a. experimenteel operagezelschap Silbersee, Holland Opera, Het Houten Huis), jazz & geïmproviseerde muziek
(met Kaja Draksler Octet, Jasper Stadhouders Polyband), popmuziek (met Bjork en Florence and the Machine), kamermuziek (als mede-oprichter van Stirni Ensemble en
DUPLUM), en treedt ook regelmatig op als solist met gerenommeerde ensembles (New European Ensemble, Doelen Ensemble ea) in binnen- en buitenland. Zij was
onlangs bekroond met de Brightest Hope Award 2018 bij The Icelandic Music Awards en werd genomineerd als de zanger van het jaar 2019 bij The Icelandic Theatre Awards.

Fun and funny arias for children.
Mozart, Puccini and Beethoven.
With an opera singer and a pianist.

Bjork Nielsdottir (Iceland, 1986) is a versatile singer based in Amsterdam. She gratuated from The Conservatory of Amsterdam in 2015 with Excellence and Distinction for Artistry.
A multifaceted artist, she is active in the fields of music theater (with a.o experimental opera company Silbersee, Holland Opera, Het Houten Huis), jazz & improvised music
(with Kaja Draksler Octet, Jasper Stadhouders Polyband), pop music (with Bjork and Florence and the Machine), chamber music (as a co-founder of Stirni Ensemble and
DUPLUM), as well as performing regularly as a soloist with renowned ensembles (New European Ensemble, Doelen Ensemble a.o) in The Netherlands and abroad. She was
recently awarded The Brightest Hope Award 2018 at The Icelandic Music Awards and was nominated as the singer of the year 2019 at The Icelandic Theater Awards.

Jelena Popovic was born in Belgrade, Serbia. She studied piano at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, Serbia, and at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She also holds a master degree in chamber music and accompaniment from the Utrechts Conservatorium. She has attended numerous master classes, courses, and prominent music festivals. During her studies, she participated in various creative projects, festivals, student concerts, and choirs, both as a soloist, chamber musician, and accompanist. Currently, she works as a piano teacher at Aslan Muziekcentrum in Amsterdam, and as a pianist for the educational department of the Dutch National Opera and Ballet. She also works as a freelance pianist and an accompanist. Jelena is a passionate promoter of contemporary music, researching diverse sound innovations and giving unique interpretation of both contemporary and classical music. She cooperates with young composers and artists of her generation on various creative projects in Europe.

Livestream @ Munganga: we don’t open (yet)! Our venue is too small and therefore we can’t handle the 1.5 meter distance. It’s good for you and for our health that we wait (for a while) a little bit more until we can.
But, we are going to stream live.
In June and July we offer you 8 concerts under the label Livestream @ Munganga. There will be no tickets sold, so everyone can watch and enjoy. We will ask for a donation for those who can, so we can pay the costs of the stream (think of the digital flyer, the travel costs of artists who don’t live in Amsterdam, etc.) and share some money with the artists.

Don’t miss it: it will be enjoying good music and (a little bit) the atmosphere of Teatro Munganga!

Livestream @ Munganga
: we gaan (nog) niet open! Onze zaal is te klein en daardoor kunnen we de 1,5 meter afstand niet hanteren. Het is voor je en voor onze gezondheid goed dat we nog (even) wachten totdat het kan.
Maar, we gaan wel livestreamen.
In Juni en juli bieden we jullie 8 concerten onder de label Livestream @ Munganga. Er wordt geen kaarten verkocht, iedereen mag dus meekijken en genieten. We gaan wel, voor wie dat kan, een donatie vragen, zodat we de kosten van de stream kunnen betalen (denk aan de digital flyer, de reiskosten van artiesten die niet in Amsterdam wonen, enz.) en een beetje geld met de artiesten delen.

Mis het niet: het wordt genieten van goed muziek en (een beetje) ook van de sfeer van Teatro Munganga!
