Zo 15 Maart 11:00 -Ga je mee naar het Elfenbal?, kinder muziek concert


11.00 (doors open at 10.45)
€7,50 pp (babies <1 jaar gratis)
Maximum capacity: 60 people!
Maximale capaciteit: 60 personen!


In deze voorstelling gaan Gwendolyn Snowdon en Laura Lotti op zoek naar het Elfenbal. Via de folk muziek die ze spelen komen ze op het feest terecht waar allerlei fantasie figuren aanwezig zijn: elfen, trollen en kabouters. Het wordt een fantasievol dans festijn. Meedansen bij het elfenbal is toegestaan. Wees welkom!

Gwendolyn Snowdon (www.gwendolynsnowdon.com):
Gwendolyn Snowdon launched her solo career with release of first album, Three Strand Braid. Three Strand Braid was inspired by artist’s blended heritage of Dutch, English and Irish, and all three languages are interwoven on the album in traditional folk style. Gwendolyn Snowdon, is perhaps best known as lead singer for Celtic Folk band, Finvarra. She is a full time musician, and will continue to perform with Finvarra, but her passion for creating and performing her own music has taken flight.Three Strand Braid was well-received during her 2016 mini-tour, on many festival stages in the Netherlands and Belgium; and she made the long list for Netherlands Fantasy Awards for Best Live Act-2016.
Snowdon began her musical training at age of ten with guitar lessons; vocal lessons soon followed. Inspired by Tori Amos and Kate Bush in her early years, and impassioned by the energy of the fantasy folk festival scene, by the time she was a teenager the artist was performing on stage with the Dutch Lemmings. They say, ‘you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl’ and this certainly holds true for Gwendolyn who was raised by horse enthusiasts and spent most of her youth in the stables. Her passion for animals and the environment have played an important role in her life and is apparent in her music videos. As an active environmentalist the artist strives to make a difference in the world, both on stage and off.

Laura Lotti (www.lauralotti.nl):
Laura Lotti is a harpist that beside the classical music is looking for crossover sounds on her harp. She plays intuitive, instant composed and improvised music. Her solo album Harpando is an experience of meditative, newly composed and improvised harp music.
In the band LalomA Folk Music we can hear Laura Lotti and Kristján Martinsson playing mostly European folk music. They performed in Medieval Festival worldwide.
