Za 27 Okt 20:00 – Screening Brazil # 8 “Dedo na Ferida”, directed by Silvio Tendler

27 Oktober 2018
Aanvang 20.00 uur
Deur open 19:30
Ticket: €6,00 (No pin)

SCREENING BRAZIL is a one week program with the best of Brazilian cinema, showcasing both contemporary and avant-garde classic films. The program pays special attention to the deep political crisis taking place in one of the world’s largest countries.

for full week-program, please visit

ROUND TABLE DEBATE + Screening of "A Sore Spot / Dedo na Ferida

1h31min, 2018, directed by Sílvio Tendler

In these dark times, when the world is faced with a progressive loss of social rights and with the resurgence of the extreme-right movements, the documentary “A Sore Spot” (“Dedo na Ferida”), directed by filmmaker Silvio Tendler, emerges as a deeply relevant movie. With the accuracy of a perspective sharpened by his more than 80 political movies, the director scrutinizes the end of the welfare state and the suspension of the dreams of a better life for all, in a situation where the homicidal logic of financial capital makes social justice unfeasible. Considered too important to fail, large corporations directly involved in the crisis that hit the international economic system in 2008 were not blamed for the damage done to the productive economy. Operating under the law and shored up by public money, they keep to accumulate volatile, transnational, and poorly productive capital stored in tax havens. And they are ready to profit from the next crisis.

In the context of major political, economic and social crises since the illegal impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff two years ago, the country heads for presidential elections this coming 7 October with former president Lula da Silva, the favorite to win the elections, being illegally held in jail after a politically motivated trial. We aim to offer a deep and exciting portrait of a country in movement, through the eyes of its filmmakers. The films will be followed by a cycle of debates to help build international understanding of the country and the forces currently attacking Brazilian democracy at this very moment.
Organized by Amsterdam Pela Democracia - Contra o Golpe
