Mon 10 Okt, 20:00 – Milunes, La Runfla live music tango milonga – DJ Pieter


10 Oktober 2022
Starts: 20:00
Doors: 19:30


Artikelnummer: 16105678 Categorieën: , Tags: , , ,

Milunes is terug! Vandaag: Live milonga met La Runfla & DJ Pieter.
Concert/Live music starts at 9pm.

LA RUNFLA is formed by three guitarists and a lady vocalist. This project comes up at the end of 2017, with the purpose of exploring Tango music and its possibilities. Since then, the group has been focused in making its own arrangements, taking account of the fundamental roots of traditional dancing Tango, without leaving behind modern aesthetics and contemporary musical works. Therefore, its repertoire it’s conformed by classic tango, as well as by the contemporary Tango composition stream. La Runfla makes its official debut in the month of July of 2018, in the “J.J Circuito Cultural”. Ever since, the group has been invited to take part in both private and popular Tango gatherings, such as “Festival de Tango de Boedo”, “Festival de Tango de Valentín Alsina”, “La semana de Boedo”, “Bohemia Tanguera”, “Almagro tiene Tango”, and in several “milongas” of Buenos Aires and the rest of the country.

"Ik heb gedraaid o.a. in Phantastango, Tango friends meeting en Scala Eindhoven. Muzik is brandstof. Die moet jullie inspireren om de vloer op te gaan. Ik kijk altijd goed en wil blij gezichten zien. We maken er een feestje van!" DJ Pieter

"I have been a DJ in Phantastango, tango friends meeting and at Scala Eindhoven.
Music is my inspiration and it should inspire you to go dancing.
I just want to see happy people on the dance floor." DJ Pieter

For more details see
