
Fri 16 Jun 2023, 20:00 – LABYRINTH, theatre play directed by Juan C. Tajes


16 June 2023
Starts: 20:00
Doors: 19:30


“You can kill the monster, but you don't kill the monstrosity.
Your freedom and mine are not the same.”

THEATRE PLAY  about the meeting between Astherion the Minotaur, Icarus the Flying Man , and Theseus the Hero in a confrontation in The Labyrinth. It is a story about freedom, discrimination, being different and maintaining your own identity. A topical theme with a philosophical slant. It focuses on acceptance of being different and abuse of appearance difference to exclude others.

This play is based on current themes that play a major role in today's society.
It is the second production written and directed by Juan C. Tajes under THE TROJAN LABYRINTH.
The first piece was TROJAN MEMORIES, 4 monologues by women caught in the nets of war, performed in season 2020-2021-2022.

Labyrinth is produced by Juan C. Tajes Artstudio & Microteatro. Conceived, written and directed by Juan C. Tajes.
Matteo Pasquini (Italian dramaturge, actor),
Rodrigo Alvéniz (Argentine actor, dancer, choreographer, teacher), Jeremías Ferro (Argentine actor).

Language: English
Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Recommended for 15 years and older.
The use of mobile phones or other electronic devices to take photos or videos is NOT allowed during the performance.

Meet & Greet: after each performance we offer a 20 minute greet & meet with audience and actors.

More information:
Juan C. Tajes/theaterencyclopedie.nl
Email: juantajes@gmail.com

Theaterkrant review:

