
Casa Concert vr 11 sept 2015 Paulo Vivacqua meets Mario de Andrade


11 September 2015
Aanvang 20.00 uur
Deur open 19:30

Op voorraad

A Hora do Brasil Foundation in partnership with Carp- Brasil invite you for a lovely evening @ Teatro Munganga, where the first Art Talk of the Tarsila Platform will take place.

On the 11th of September Paulo Vivacqua will share his experience in creating "Relatos e Visagens" (Reports and Visions), an exhibition born of the residency he has carried out in Amsterdam from July to September.

Inspired by the work of Mario de Andrade (O Turista Aprendiz, 1927), Paulo tells stories about two worlds connecting beyond time and space, seen from the perspective of the Indians tribe Do-mi-sol which language consisted of sounds. In this way, he follows the footsteps of the Brazilian Modernist writer, when in his exploring trip through the inlands of North and North East Brazil and who described the amazing sounds as tales of the tribes and nature he encountered in the Amazonas as a metaphor of his own experience in Amsterdam.

In this performatic talk, Paulo has joined efforts with Mariana Lanari, who translated parts of the text to English and will participate in the reading. Robin Van Erven Dorens and Punto Buwono will play the sounds of the Flemish Polyphony.

We would like to invite you to be part of these unexpected encounters and coincidences, diving into the world of Paulo's reports from his stay in Amsterdam.

We hope to welcome you there, on the 11th!
Free entrance, voluntary contributions accepted
