Casa Concert za 17 sept "Álvaro Sisti in concert" by Álvaro Sisti Ripoll


17 September
Aanvang 20.30
Deur open 20.00


Alvaro Sisti
Born in La Plata, Argentina, he is a pianist, conductor and composer. He began his concertist career at an early age. He has won prizes in national piano competitions and he has attended to master-classes with renowned professors from all the world. He has played several concerts as soloist, with chamber groups and as soloist with orchestra.

Since his debut as a conductor in 2013, conducting became his main activity. He works in an universitary orchestra and he have conducted seven concerts so far in 2016. He also teachs in La Plata’s Conservatory.

He has been commissioned by composers and institutions to record pieces. As composer, he wrote several pieces: piano music, chamber music and orchestral works. He also wrote music for films.

In this September he will perform in Europe for the first time, with concerts in Spain and the Netherlands.

About the Concert
Beethoven – Sonate Op.53
Grieg – Sonate Op.7
Messiaen – 2 Preludes
Olazábal – Sonatine

The program explores deeply the piano music history, with works from different periods and places. It’ll include sonatas by Beethoven and Grieg and modern music by the French composer Messiaen and an Argentinian demential score by Olazábal. The contrasts in the music are vast, from the brightness and the virtuosism by Beethoven, the glory and catharsis by Grieg, to the gloomy and introspective by Messiaen and the expressionist power in Olazábal’s Work.

