
Casa Theater za 18 nov 20:00 & 22:00 ImproGanga presents CLICK. by Inbal Lori & Tim Orr

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: € 18,00.Huidige prijs is: € 15,00.

Zaterdag, 18 november
2 Shows: 20:00 & 22:00
Doors open @ 19.30
TICKETS: Via de site €15
At the door: €18

Your pictures. Our stories.

Inbal Lori (Tel Aviv) and Tim Orr (San Francisco) combine to present click. In this format, the improvisers take their inspiration from photographs provided by the audience, rather than verbal suggestions. Each scene will start with a new photograph, and the scenes are most likely unrelated. The evocative, non-literal nature of photographs allows the actors to discover their way into characters and situations through the feeling that the images inspire.

As they say: “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

An important part of this show is the use of picutre, YOUR pictures.
If you would like to contibute pictures of yourself, friends, or family members, please send them to improganga@gmail.com.

One picture is great, several is even better!
